71 Indoor Play Ideas
There’s lots of fun to be had indoors if you take a moment and look around. A full recycling bin can provide you with materials for a new toy or puzzle, the sofa can become a rocket with a little imagination and a pack of cards can create hundreds of fun games. We’ve listed some of our favourite ideas to keep little ones entertained inside and away from screens.
Write a Letter to a Family Member
Have a Tea Party
Play The Floor Is Lava
Make a Puzzle from a Cereal Box
Play Simon Says
Make Scratch Paper
Make Confetti
Play Catch
Finger Painting
Make Up a Song
Play Charades
Grow Dwarf Sunflowers
Play Marbles
Play Card Games
Make Friendship bracelets
Make Homemade Playdough
Build a Card Pyramid
Use Old Plastic Bottles To Make Skittles
Make Sponge Stamps
Learn About Your Favourite Animal
Play Hangman
Make Hand Print Art
Make a Rain Catcher
Write a Creative Story
Start a Diary
Learn to knit
Play Hide And Seek
Practice Sign Language
Make Paper Boats
Make a Bird Feeder
Make Salt Dough
Make a Wind Chime
Make a Dream Catcher
Learn 5 Words in a New Language
Put On a Fashion Show
Make Homemade Slime
Play Tic-Tac-Toe
Play Bingo
Write a Sequel to your Favourite Book
Make a Rainbow for your Window
Have a Movie Day
Have a Dance Party
Make Paper Airplanes
Play Sleeping Lions
Paint Leaves
Play Would You Rather
Bake Cupcakes or Muffins
Write Jokes
Play Chess
Write a Letter to a Friend
Make a New Toy out of Recycling
Learn to Sow
Create a Scavenger Hunt
Play I-Spy
Colour in an Old Tshirt
Make Bookmarks
Play Solitaire
Draw a Self Portrait
Play Hot Potato
Create a Scrapbook
Make Sensory Rice
Do you have an idea we haven’t mentioned? Let us know on social media.
Keep safe and have fun!